Thinking about the lessons to learn from this little snapped oak.
About a month after we planted the Miyawaki forest, we noticed that a palm frond from a neighboring mature sabal palm had fallen on this little tree, snapping the small trunk in half.
The leaves had begun to turn brown and it was clear that the tree was hanging on by a thread.
Because our forest honors the circle of life, we did not touch the tree. We had to come to terms with whatever would happen.
This last week, while looking for weeds to pull from the forest, we found it again. But, this time, the leaves were vibrant with life - even on the part of the tree that had snapped.
This image has stayed with us. Thoughts of nature's resilience sprung to mind - along with the thought that this tree would have been pulled out of the ground if it were part of any other landscape.
It feels like there is a lesson here about withholding judgement about a life's journey. About how sometimes, things take time. Some of us get snapped in half by a palm frond and will still find a way to survive, then thrive.
Maybe, this little oak's story is a lesson of hope.