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Local Mulch: Sourcing Mulch from a Local Arborist & Tree Service

Sustainability at Hope Eternal Gardens

We use local mulch at Hope Eternal Gardens. A lot of it.

At Hope Eternal Gardens, we focus on sustainability and community support by using locally sourced mulch. This practice has several benefits:

  • Reduces environmental impact

  • Keeps material out of the landfill

  • Improves soil health in our gardens

  • Enhances the aesthetic appeal of our landscapes

Using local mulch not only promotes ecological balance but also fosters relationships in our community. Our holistic gardening approach underscores our commitment to utilizing local resources to encourage stewardship and appreciation for the natural world.

1. Why we like it

According to the University of Florida IFAS, the benefits of mulch include:

  • Weed suppression

  • Retaining moisture in the soil

  • Improving soil as it decomposes

  • Reducing erosion

2. Where we use it

- To help establish our lawn-alternative, frog fruit

- In the new forest

- Pathways and beds of our broomsedge meadow

3. Where it comes from

Coastal Mowing and Tree, based in Port Charlotte, has been giving us logs and wood chips since 2022. The logs and wood chips come from local sites in Charlotte County and surrounding areas.

Coastal Mowing works with local business and organizations to keep material out of the landfill. They have also donated material to Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens and Crowley Museum & Nature Center, among others.

Thank you, Coastal Mowing & Tree!

(941) 391-5045

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